Collaboration Announcement

Climate Champions team up with women-led expeditioners to accelerate Ocean Breakthroughs

Andi Cross
Marla Tomorug
July 9, 2024
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Climate Champions team up with women-led expeditioners to accelerate Ocean Breakthroughs’ momentum

The Climate Champions are collaborating with the Edges of Earth expedition team, spotlighting local environmental champions around the planet to amplify the Ocean Breakthroughs via exclusively published content.

New York, July 10, 2024 – Women-led global expedition Edges of Earth have joined forces with the Climate Champions to bring to life the Ocean Breakthroughs. The series, which began in June 2024, will amplify the personal accounts and climate action in some of the most remote and impacted coastal communities around the planet. Edges of Earth will share these stories through biweekly interview-style articles on the Climate Champions’ website as well as via social media.

Celebrating one year of the Edges of Earth expedition, the three-person professional dive team has traveled to 25 countries across four continents working with locals, Indigenous communities, nonprofit organizations, community leaders, and ocean scientists to understand the distinctive realities and challenges that climate change poses on their ways of life. 

Traditional Artisanal fisherman in Mannar, Sri Lanka roll up their nets after the morning's hard work. | Photo Credit: Marla Tomorug

These groups have given Edges of Earth an intimate look into their worlds to share how they are taking action against the climate crisis, and what they’re doing to preserve their communities. Edges of Earth will bring to life each of the five Ocean Breakthroughs – centered on marine conservation, ocean renewable energy, shipping, aquatic food, and coastal tourism – by spotlighting diverse voices, stories, and solutions.

The series will showcase personalized accounts that align with the Ocean Breakthroughs to fast-track meaningful solutions. These Breakthroughs outline a roadmap for transformative and ambitious action at the scale of entire systems, contributing to the delivery of global campaigns led by the Climate Champions’ while acting as a compass not only for non-State actors (NSA) but also for governments.

Hafsa Jamel in their home in Columbo, Sri Lanka | Photo Credit: Marla Tomorug

Over the coming months, the series will spotlight coastal communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis and draw attention to local climate action to scale solutions on a global level. The first story – a conversation with Hafsa Jamel, climate activist and Programme Manager at the Lanka Environment Fund (LEF) – showcases the impact of extreme heat, heightened monsoons, and increased natural hazards like droughts, cyclones, and coastal erosion on the tropical island nation, and the nature-based solutions Hafsa and their team are overseeing to help the country to cope and adapt.

We embarked on this expedition to amplify the incredibly important work of people and communities experiencing the worst consequences of the climate crisis. In the first year of our expedition, every community we’ve explored highlighted a lack of funding as their biggest problem,” says Andi Cross, Edges of Earth expedition lead. “I’m proud to collaborate with the Climate Champions to be able to hand the microphone over to local climate heroes from around the planet, guiding government leaders and businesses around the globe in making informed, impactful, and intersectional climate decisions.

Cheunjit ‘Chuen’ Chuaysong on her guide boat in Khao Sok, Thailand. | Photo Credit: Marla Tomorug

“The Climate Champions Team is delighted to collaborate with Edges of Earth. Elevating the  voices and actions of local communities from all around the globe is a key part of accelerating momentum for ocean-based climate action,” says Ignace Beguin Billecocq, Ocean and Coastal Zones Lead, Climate Champions. “Through this collaboration we hope to inspire even greater action. Bolstered by inspiration and hope, the Ocean Breakthroughs are within reach!’’

"Through this collaboration, the Climate Champions and Edges of Earth empower resilient communities on the frontlines, doing critical work at the grassroots level to drive impactful change,” highlights Loreley Picourt, Focal point for the Ocean & Coastal Zones of the Marrakech Partnership. “Now, our role is to ensure that the invaluable insights and solutions from these stories feed our efforts to power the Ocean Breakthroughs, thus fostering a more inclusive and effective approach to ocean-climate action and decision-making.”

About the Climate Champions

At the COP21 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, governments agreed that mobilizing stronger and more ambitious climate action was urgently required to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. To connect the work of governments with the many voluntary and collaborative actions taken by cities, regions, businesses and investors, nations decided to appoint two High-Level Champions. 

The UN Climate Change High-Level Champions for COP25 and COP26, Gonzalo Muñoz and Nigel Topping, established the Climate Champions Team to help deliver on their mandate to enhance ambition and strengthen the engagement of non-State actors in supporting Parties, working with the Marrakech Partnership, to deliver the goals of the Paris Agreement. H.E. Ms. Razan Al Mubarak and H.E. Ms. Nigar Arpadarai are the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions for COP28 and COP29.

Andrea Godoy Mendoza conducting a coral survey for Roatan Marine Park in Roatan, Honduras. | Photo Credit: Marla Tomorug

About Edges of Earth

The woman-led Edges of Earth expedition team is venturing to remote and interesting corners of the world to share untold stories of ocean stewardship and community resilience. Composed of seasoned corporate professionals, new-age explorers, and professional scuba divers, they excel in forging connections and sharing positive progress stories across their media platform.

Throughout their careers, they’ve encountered unsung champions tackling the climate crisis head-on. With their self-funded production studio, they create raw, heart-driven content focused on ocean and climate solutions, personal growth, and actionable steps for those following along.

Driven by passion, they explore unexpected depths, collaborate with remarkable ocean experts and focus on what’s working to inform paths forward on the enterprise, policy and individual levels. As a multifaceted crew of strategists, writers and content creators, they amplify impactful stories through their wide-reaching media channels and partnerships.


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